PAULINA streaming performance thru Oct.4, 2020

On September 24th, we learned there is a way for me and Patrycja Dołowy (and Paulina) to share our story live, together, in each of our native languages, while separated on different continents. Of course this is only possible with a stellar team, beginning with Kathleen Amshoff at the helm as our director, and the dream team working with us at Ośrodek Teatralny Kana in Szczecin, Poland -- operating between zoom and live camera feeds, and translating/ creating subtitles on the fly. This is a screenshot we took during the tech setup, when we still had no idea how it would all turn out. Thank you to all who helped, and to everyone who tuned in and watched. Kana Theater is streaming it until the end of Spoiwa Festiwal (October 4th) so if you didn't get to see it, clicke here.